January Favourites

January's already over and for some strange reason it feels like it's gone fast (2017 already?!) and slowly (mainly regarding America's political crisis), but let's focus on some positive things!

Sass and Bell Plush Cactus - £3.50
I got this super cute plush as an early birthday present from my sister. It's heavy enough to stand on its own and was small enough for me to be able to take it back to uni! Plus it's so funky it definitely brightens up a halls bedroom.

VEGAN (!) White Chocolate - ~£2
I did a double take when I found this in my local co-op!! It was just over the £2 mark (I can't remember exactly) and tasted exactly like dairy white chocolate. It's amazing!

Woman's March 2017
Don't get me wrong, I wish we lived in a time where there still isn't equal rights for everyone. However, the strength and solidarity between people from all over the world of all genders during the woman's march was truly moving. One day people with uteri will have the rights to their own body, all genders will have the rights they deserve and countries won't be run by old rich cis white men who have no idea what they're doing
I've been eyeing this lipstick for months now but I finally treated myself after exams! This vegan and cruelty free lipstick starts out green and adjusts its tone depending on your lip's pH level. It's rad!


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