Vegan Pancakes!

I've been trying to find a decent vegan pancake recipe in time for pancake day but the first few I tried just didn't really work. Then I remembered the ones my Mum makes for my Dad that are dairy free and decided to give it a go! The only issue is I didn't measure any ingredients, I just added milk and flour to a single mashed banana until the consistency represented that of regular pancake batter. Once I've had a chance to make them again I'll update the recipe with specific amounts.

Ingredients: (Makes approximately 5 pancakes)

  • 1 large banana
  • Plain Flour
  • Dairy-free milk (I used soya) 
  • 1 pack of blueberries
  • Oil (I used sunflower oil)

1). Using a fork, mash the banana in a bowl
2). Add flour and milk and mix, adding more of each until the mixture is a runny consistency
3). Heat some oil in a frying pan
4). Add a spoonful of the mixture to the centre of the pan. Add blueberries on top of the pancake
5). Once it starts to bubble a lot on the upper facing side, flip and cook the other side (note: the berries may burst and spit a lot but don't worry!) 
6). Once the second side is done, transfer onto a plate and repeat with the rest of the mixture.


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