Vegan Options: Norwich

Norwich is definitely progressing fast in terms of the amount of vegan shops and cafes there. We went last weekend to attend Norwich Pride (which was great!) and the amount of choice was astounding.

We ended up in Magdalen Street to begin with. On one end, there was an entirely vegan coffee shop (Ancestor's Coffee) which had a great range of smoothie bowls, drinks, buddha bowls and cake. The inner 11 year old in me was super excited to finally try rocky road!

Vegan rocky road

Oat Milk Mocha

On the other end of the street, we found an entirely vegan shop (Little Shop Of Vegans). They had so many amazing things, but because it was so early in the day we sadly couldn't get any chilled or frozen foods. We did pick up some dairy free spray cream and some jackfruit.

It's also worth noting that there was a shop not yet open called Vegan Wok on the same street! 

Later in the day we went to Pret in the Chapelfield Shopping Centre. Recently, a lot of Pret's marketing has been centred around vegetarian and vegan food; they even had a fridge dedicated to meat free food! 

There were multiple vegan sandwiches; however, being one of the apparently scarce avocado-hating vegan, I opted for kale crisps and a chia pudding pot. 

After the pride parade had ended, we had a final stop of the day in Cherryleaf Coffee Shop. According to their instagram they sometimes have vegan options available but when we were there, the only ones available were full main meals. They did do both soya milk and coconut milk and their soya lattes are great! (They also had lots of gluten free options too).

Soya Latte

Overall, it's great and refreshing to see a place with so many choices for vegans. Let's hope other towns and cities quickly follow suit (I'm looking at you, Loughborough!)


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