Baked Tofu Recipe

There are lots and lots of ways to cook and eat tofu - one way is by baking it! This can be a healthier option if you leave out the oil, and requires less checking while it's cooking than frying would.

This is my favourite tofu to cook with!

I used Cauldron's organic tofu - it's plain, so you can add your own combination of flavours! It's very versatile, and you can use it in so many ways. Any other plain tofu (e.g. Tofoo) will also work fine!

This recipe makes super crispy tofu!


  • 1 Block of firm tofu (e.g cauldron)
  • ~40ml of Soy Sauce (I used dark!)
  • Teaspoon of paprika
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of black pepper
  • Plain flour
  • Vegetable oil to coat (optional)
  • 2 Tablespoons of water
  • 1 Teaspoon of agave syrup / sugar (I used agave!)


1. Preheat the oven to around 180°C. Press the tofu until the excess of water has drained out. This doesn't have to be long; 30ish minutes is enough to get the worst out. You could do this using a tofu press if you have one, or wrap it in kitchen roll and stack heavy objects on top of it.

I used a press to make this!

2.  Cut the tofu into cubes. Bigger pieces will keep the tradition 'tofu texture; inside, whereas smaller ones will cook more quickly and be more crispy.

"Cubes", or rather, rectangles
3.  Place the tofu in bowl and coat in oil (optional)

These have been coated with oil in order to make them more crispy - this is optional and you can still have great tofu with it!

4.  Now, make the marinade by mixing the soy sauce, paprika, black pepper, water, agave and salt. Then, pour this over the tofu and mix.

The marinade to add to the tofu

5. Now, take each piece of tofu and lightly coat it in flour. This will give it a really crispy exterior! Just make sure not to use too much or it might make the tofu taste floury.

Lightly coat them in flour

6. Spread evenly on a baking tray, cover with the remaining marinade that's left over, and bake for around 30 minutes until crispy, turning half way through.

Ready to go in the oven!
And then you're done!

Crispy tofu!
You can use this however you want - eat it as it is, add it to fajitas, stir-fries or even curries. I added mine to a wrap with spinach for lunch.

Tofu, spinach and sriracha mayo wrap


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