SUPER QUICK Vegan meal ideas!

Sometimes you've had a long day and you just need something quick and low maintenance to refuel your energy. Maybe you need to do a shop and you haven't got much left in the cupboards.
These recipes don't have many 'strict' ingredients, as they are quite versatile and adaptable depending on what you fancy.
Hopefully they may spark some ideas!

Marmite Pasta
You may love it or hate it, but this has saved me on many occasion when I'm running out of food or I'm feeling ill and need something carby and salty. You only need 3 main ingredients!

  • Dried pasta, enough for one person
  • 1 TBSP Dairy free butter
  • 1 TSP Marmite
Made with fusilli! It also works really well with spaghetti

Cook the pasta as per instructions and drain. Melt the butter in a saucepan and then stir in the marmite. Once combined, add the pasta and mix! If you have some, nutritional yeast makes it even better.

Tesco and the like often do ramen packet sauces now, but you can easily make your own at home. This is great for winter when it's cold and dark and need something warm and filling. 
  • Dried noodles, enough for one person
  • Vegetable stock, enough to fill half the bowl you are using
  • 2 TBSP soy sauce
  • Ground ginger (optional but it adds something!)
  • Any extra veggies you want to add - mushrooms, peppers and onions work really well!
  • Protein - tofu works well but also quorn or another meat alternative!
This one was made with wheat noodles, tofu, peppers and fresh spinach

Put everything in a saucepan, and heat until the noodles are cooked, adding more boiling water if necessary. That's it! I quite often add spinach at the end once it's in the bowl to add a different texture. 

The best thing about this is it's completely customisable! It's also really quick and easy to pack lots of fresh veg into.
Black bean (sauce from tesco) veggies with basmati rice

  • Noodles: Rice, wheat and Udon are all vegan!
  • Veg: You could get a packet of Stir-fry vegetables from the supermarket but if not, combine what you have - some ideas are mushrooms, peppers, peas, carrots, beansprouts, spinach or sweetcorn!
  • Protein: whatever takes your fancy, e.g. tofu, quorn, chickpeas, lentils or beans.
  • Sauce: Either grab a supermarket sauce of your choosing, or make your own: my personal favourite is soy sauce with red pepper flakes, but you could also add curry powder/sauce or vegetable stock!
Sainsbury's wholewheat noodles and a stir fry vegetable kit from Tesco (later added sunflower seeds to this!)

In a saucepan, cook the noodles according to their instructions. At the same time, in a frying pan, fry the veg and protein in oil (or water if you're avoiding oil!). Add some of the sauce and mix it in with the cooked food. Then, add the noodles and the rest of the sauce and combine!


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