Loughborough University 2016-2019

As 3 years at Loughborough come to an end, I thought I would compile some campus photos I have taken during my time there. If you're thinking of applying I highly recommend you see it in person - it definitely sold it for me! If not, or you just want to have a quick look at some sights on campus, I hope this post helps!

I also have some previous Loughborough photo posts you can check out too if you want:

The path at the top of the student village in autumn

The fountain sometimes freezes and looks spectacular!

Bastard Gates, by the Student's Union

Holywell Conference Centre, West Park

Daffodils by Pilkington Library, West Campus

The back of design school, East Campus

And inside! This is a lecture theatre that multiple courses use

The Hazlerigg Building in the autumn

Elvyn (left) and Hazlerigg Rutland (right), halls of residence (I lived in the top left room of the righthand block in my final year!)

One of the walks on the outskirts of campus

The Haslegrave Building, which has lots of computer labs for students

STEM Lab, West Campus, in the summer

Elite Athlete Centre and Hotel

Next to the Memorial Garden in the centre of campus

View from Halsegrave; Cricket Field on the left with the Hazlerigg Building, School of Business on the right

Garden next to the Bridgeman Building, centre of campus

Lake by the Holywell Conference Centre

David Collett Hall, West Campus


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