Pea Protein as a Meat Substitute?

Over the last few month there's been a influx of meat substitutes made with pea protein instead of soya. This may be due to the recent discussions about the health concerns over soya, although any of these appear to be unfounded. However, it does mean people who has soya intolerances/allergies can still have meat substitutes! Yay!

I live in a family where multiple people are intolerant to soya, so as a family we avoid it where we can. This means we've tried our fair share of soya-free meat substitutes, and luckily there are lots around at the moment! This article by no means covers them all, but here are some favourites:

Bird's Eye
Products: Sausages, Burgers, Meatballs
Where to find them: Tesco, Asda

I have only had a chance to try the sausages from this range, but I would go as far to say they're my FAVOURITE out of all of them out there at the moment, soya or not. They're fairly soft too, so they're perfect for making your own sausage rolls (considering the lack of soya-free vegan ones being sold).

Linda McCartney
Products: Sausages
Where to find them: Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Ocado

These are sold in packs of 6 in similar packaging to the regular ones, in the freezer section. I found these a little dry on their own, but I had them with some savoury rice which added a little more flavour to them.

Products: Mince, Chicken Pieces
Where to find them: Sainsbury's

This mince is possibly the most realistic looking I've seen, but don't let that put you off. It works really well in meals such as lasagne and spaghetti bolognese (I used it in this recipe!) as it absorbs flavour really well.

The chicken pieces are soft and fry really well, and have enough flavour that if you just add salt to them they taste good! These would be good in fajitas or a sandwich, and I used them as part of a rice buddha bowl and they worked fabulously.

Lazy Vegan
Products: Pulled Peaz Chunks (chicken-like)
Where to find them: Sainsbury's

I haven't tried these myself, but my family have and they say they taste quite realistic! They're frozen, and can be found in the frozen section in sainsbury's. They seem similar to the Natruli ones.

Are there any other pea-protein products you love that I've missed? Let me know!


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