KFC Finally Caters for Vegans!

Happy Veganuary! If you've opened instagram even for a second this month you've probably come across the inpouring of new vegan foods being released by many different brands. The one I was the most suprised by was KFC, pretty much known for exclusively selling chicken, finally releasing a vegan burger.

The new vegan burger was being advertisted on signs, the KFC work uniforms and even on bus stops!

Having been vegetarian all my life I've never once stepped foot into a KFC - and never really wanted to, considering their fries aren't even necessarily vegetarian (they're fried with the chicken, so it's a cross contamination issue - up to you whether you consider that vegan or not!), leaving the only vegan option as corn on the cob. However, I was intrigued by the idea they were finally listening and wanted to show my support for this item.

The burger itself is a baked Quorn vegan fillet (I swear they used to sell these in supermarkets but I haven't seen any in months), complete with KFC's signiture 11 herbs and spices. It comes with a seeded bun, lettuce and vegan mayo! I bought this one from a service station for just over £4, so I'm not sure if that's the regular price or if it was increased due to its location.

The burger box is printed specifically for the vegan burger to try and prevent mix-ups

The verdict? This was great!
It has so much flavour, something that Quorn products sometimes struggle with, and really does feel just like a "regular" fast food meal. The mayo was super realistic too. The only downside is that there's not many sides to make it a complete meal (but hello corn on the cob!), but hopefully if the company sees the demand they will work on more options. It looks like they're already putting thought into it as they have a dedicated page on their website for explaining their already vegan options! Overall I hope this stays for after January so both vegans who feel comfortable eating here and non-vegans who want to try something new can enjoy it too!


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