Smokey Fajita Chilli

Fajitas have always been my favourite Mexican food, so here's another version: fajita chilli! It has all of your favourite fajita ingredients but with more sauce. I used the Tesco smokey fajita spice mix, but if you'd rather you could always use a regular fajita mix and compensate with more paprika.

This makes 3 portions, and freezes well, so you can stock up on homemade freezer meals!


  • 250g vegan mince (if you're not a fan, you can always sub with more beans!)
  • 1 can / 235g of drained Adzuki beans
  • 2 peppers (1 red 1 green works well for variety!)
  • 1 TBSP vegetable oil, for frying
  • 1 can / 400g tinned tomatoes
  • Squeeze of tomato puree
  • 1 packet of smokey fajita seasoning (~30g)
  • 1 TSP smoked paprika
  • Red pepper flakes for extra spice, if you want


1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, and fry the peppers until they begin to go soft
2. Add the vegan mince and fry until it starts to brown
3. Drain and add the beans, and fry until the beans become soft
4. Stir in the fajita mix, making sure it coats all of the ingredients.
5. Add the tinned tomatoes, paprika and a squeeze of tomato puree. Cook until the mixture isn't watery. (If it's taking too long, adding more tomato puree should thicken up the sauce).
6. Serve with rice, or if you're feeling fancy, Mexican rice and tortilla chips.


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