Easy Box Cake Lemonade HACK!

Baking is one of my favourite hobbies, and has absolutely kept me calm during lockdown. But, as anyone that's been able to step foot in a supermarket in the last month has seen, flour is nowhere to be seen. A crucial component for many a recipe, this has made it incredibly difficult to bake things.


No one appears to have panic bought boxes of cake mix that you find in the baking isle. These boxes usually contain flour and flavourings, and require you to add oil, water and some eggs. Obviously, eggs aren't vegan, but there's something else you can add instead - lemonade!

An example of a vegan cake mix

I mentioned this in a super old blog post (you can find it here!), but in a regular homemade recipe. However, the same also applies to box cake mixes, making it really easy to quickly whip up a batch of lovely cupcakes! Just be sure to check the ingredients for any hidden milk, eggs, or even carmine (I'm looking at you, Betty Crocker rainbow cake mix 😟)

Fizzy water also works!

To make the cakes pictured, I followed the instructions on the back of the packet, but instead of adding eggs I added a large glug of sparkling water (anything carbonated should work!). In hindsight, I probably should have added more (I've seen people recommend 300ml before, but I was worried that would make the mixture too runny!) but other than a tiny dip in the middle of a couple of the cakes it worked really well!

So if you're stuck for baking ideas and out of flour, why not try this 'hack' and see if you can make some super easy cupcakes? 😊🧁


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