Green Thai Curry

 This curry is packed full of fresh veggies and is the perfect way to get your 5 a day! It's great for using up leftover veg you have in the fridge too so nothing has to go to waste.

In terms of finding a good green curry paste to use, make sure you triple check the ingredients as so many have fish in! I used the thai taste one which is labelled SFV, and lasts for months in the fridge so there's no pressure to use it all up at once. 

I baked the tofu I added to this to make it nice and cripsy, but you could always fry it if you want. If you're not a fan of oil this can be a good way of doing it as it's not necessary for good tofu! 

This made 3 portions, and took about 1/2 an hour to make.

  • 250g firm tofu
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 large mushrooms
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 60g broccoli
  • 60g baby pak choi
  • 100g green beans
  • 1 TBSP vegan fish sauce (completely optional but adds a nice flavour!)
  • 1 TSP lemongrass paste (again optional but it adds something nice!)
  • 160ml coconut cream
This is the tofu marinade I used (but feel free to use whatever one you want!)
  • 3 TBSP dark soy sauce
  • 2 TSP Thai 7 spice 
  • Sprinkle of red pepper flakes
  • 1 TSP sesame oil
  • 1 TSP fresh ginger paste 
  • 1 TSP vegan fish sauce

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Coat the tofu in the marinade (you can leave it for a while for a more intense flavour, but it still tastes good with just a coat!) and bake in the oven for around 1/2 an hour, until the curry is done.
  3. Fry the chopped onion in your oil of choice, until it begins to go clear.
  4. Add the chopped pepper and mushrooms and fry until the mushrooms begin to brown.
  5. Add the green beans and broccoli and fry until they gain some colour.
  6. Add the paste and vegan fish sauce and toss the veggies until they're coated. Then, add the coconut milk and stir until a sauce forms.
  7. Simmer until the sauce thickens and then tofu is done. Right before it's finished, add the pak choi so it stays crunchy!
  8. Serve with rice (wholegrain goes reall well!) and the baked tofu.


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