Vegan pizza swirls

I wanted to bake something a bit different from your standard bread roll this weekend, so here's a recipe for pizza swirls! You can customise these however you want; I just used tomato sauce in most of these and put some vegan mozzerella in some, but you can add your favourite vegan pizza toppings in whatever combinations you want!

I have a similar recipe for pumpkin pizza rolls which you can find here, but this time we're making the dough by hand!

I made a second batch of these but this time I added 1 TSP of dried basil into the dough and it made such a difference! It gave them a subtle herby flavour without being too overpowering.

This took around 2 hours to make (including proving time!), and made 24 pizza swirls.


  • 500g strong white bread flour
  • 1 1/2 TSP salt
  • 7g fast action yeast (or one sachet!)
  • 3 TBSP oil
  • 330ml warm water
  • ~ 24 TSP of tomato sauce (just enough to spread on each roll - homemade or shop bought is fine!)
  • Other pizza toppings, if you want

  1.  In a large bowl, add the flour, and then the salt on one side of the bowl and the yeast on the other (I don't know if it makes a different but Paul Hollywood reckons it does!)
  2. Make a well in the centre of the bowl and add the warm water and oil
  3. Mix until a dough forms. Shape into a bowl and knead for around 10 minutes
  4. Place in an oiled bowl and cover with a tea towel. Leave in a warm place for around an hour.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180°C (200 if not fan assisted). 
  6. Take a small handful of dough, and roll it into a ball. Then, slowly stretch it until a rectangle shape forms.
  7. Take a teaspoon of sauce and spead it evenly over the dough.
  8. Roll the dough into a sausage shape (so the sauce is rolled up into the dough) and then shape the dough into a spiral.
  9. Place into a lightly greased tray (cupcake trays are ideal for this and help the swirls keep their shape!) and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden. You can check if they're done inside by tapping on the bottom; if it makes a hollow noise, it should be cooked 😊


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