Is vegan Dominos worth the wait?


It's finally here! Dominos have been teasing a vegan option for months now, and their competitors Papa Johns and Pizza Hut (the restaurants, sadly not the delivery franchise!) have had vegan options available for some months now. But does Dominos match up to them?

To see, I ordered a vegan cheese and tomato pizza, but swapped the herbs for extra cheese as I'd seen others say how little cheese they'd received on theirs! I also got their vegan wedges to try. 

There are 2 vegan pizza options on their website: margherita and vegi supreme (sweetcorn, peppers, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms). Unlike their other pizzas, these are only available in medium. They have also veganised their garlic and herb dip which comes with the vegan pizzas by default. They also have potato wedges labelled SFV, as well as BBQ and hot sauce dips. 

When it arrived, the box had multiple stickers on it stating that the contents were vegan, including this snazzy green "vegan-friendly" one, which gives you confidence that they know what they're doing.

My first impressions were that it looked like a generous amount of toppings (though bear in mind this was with extra cheese!) and that it looked good!

After trying a piece however, I have to say it was a little bland. The sauce had a good flavour but there wasn't enough of it to really appreciate it. The base wasn't as good as ones I've had from other places either - although my omni partner echoed this and we found it to be much better after heating it up the next day! Maybe that was just a fluke rather than a universal thing. 

I really wasn't a fan of the dip - I don't know how it compares to the non-vegan version, but it was too vinegary for me. I ended up using the Papa John's one instead, which is more like a garlic butter.

The wedges, however, were spot on and the BBQ sauce was great!

Overall, I'd say it wasn't bad. I think if I was to order pizza for myself in the future, I would choose Papa John's as I prefer their sauce, their cheese and they have a much larger variety of vegan options! However, I'm grateful for Dominos having this option, as it means (in the future when seeing friends is actually allowed!) if a group of friends wanted to order pizza from there I would no longer be left out, and I'm sure many other vegans feel the same. 


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