Vegan butter alternatives (no more Flora Buttery!)


If you've even so much as opened Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media in the fast few days you've probably seen that Flora have backtracked on their "100% plantbased" pledge and are now adding buttermilk into their Flora Buttery product. 

This means it's no longer suitable for:

  • Those with a dairy allergy or intolerance (and those with a serious allergy may now avoid it altogether if they feel there is a cross contamination risk!)
  • Vegans
  • Vegetarians (the buttermilk is made using rennet, which is made using enzymes from the stomaches of baby cows. Not what you want on your toast 🤢)
Flora have commented on the immense pushback on this change, claiming they're still "100% committed to developing plantbased foods" (not sure how this can be true with such a step backwards, but sure). 

So, now what? Flora do have other vegan and dairy-free products, but they're not as nice. If you're struggling for an alternative and don't want to Flora after they pushed such an illogical change, read on!


Image from

Naturli are a company who make vegan foods such as meat free mince and chicken pieces. However, they also do a vegan block (£1.95) and vegan spread (£1.95). It's a little less accessible as it's mainly sold in Sainsbury's, although some independent vegan stores stock it too! It's very 'buttery' and is a really good replacement for butter. It does contains almonds though so avoid if you're allergic!

Pure 'buttery' spread

Image from

When I first cut out dairy when I was a teen I used pure as my favourite butter replacement. I haven't had it recently but others say it's still really good! They do some other varieties as well, all dairy free. It's available in Tesco, the Co-op, Sainsbury's, Ocado and Waitrose according to their website.


Image from

Vitalite is another entirely dairy-free brand that do a vegan sunflower spread. I have used this before and it's a great alternative! (Off topic but they also do vegan cheese which is available in Asda!). Their website describes them as being available in "most major retailers".

Hopefully this has been helpful for anyone seeking a vegan alternative to Flora Buttery! Have I missed your favourite? Pop it in the comments below! 😊


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