Vegummies: vegan pick and mix review


(*NOT SPON - I bought these myself and reviewed them as it's more important than ever to support independent businesses!)

I don't know about you but when I was a child, getting pick and mix from the shop with friends could easily be the highlight of my week (- to be fair, it could still well be). I grew up vegetarian so I couldn't eat quite a few of the sweets on offer - no cola bottles, anything red thanks to cochineal, those sweet pencils thanks to gelatine, or marshmallows for the same reason. So, when I came across a website that offered VEGAN versions of those and more, I was intrigued! 

I've bought some sweets from Vegummies before for my family for their birthdays and they were well recieved, so this time I decided to try them out for myself. The website lets you pick how many servings of each sweets you want, so you can customise your own ratios however you want. They also had the options to buy other confectionery such as chocolate bars too.

The sweets arrived in classic sweetshop paper bags (yay, no plastic!) and I'd accidentally ordered way too many to fit in a single bag. Oops!

Overall, I'm super impressed with how easy it was to customise an order and the sheer variety of vegan sweets! It's so refreshing to be able to choose what I wanted without having to scan the ingredients for hidden animal products. All of the sweets I'd opted for were great, but some notable favourites were:

  • Salted caramel fudge: OMG. This was amazing and super creamy, even the most avid of dairy lovers would love this!
  • Fizzy dummies: I've definitely seen non vegan versions of these before so it was great to be able to try them without the gelatine! 
  • Fizzy bubblegum bottles: another one I'd often seen non-vegan that was super yummy
  • Vegan malteasers: Maybe not an identical substitute for the famous malteaser, but as a lover of dark chocolate I didn't mind!
  • Vegan smarties: again a vegan take on a classic milk chocolate that used dark chocolate instead, but I honestly preferred that if I'm honest

I would definitely recommend these, especially if you're looking for gifts for the festive season! They also do gift boxes/pouches too if you're looking for inspiration too. 


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