New vegan products at Tesco!


Tesco are once again ahead of the game with their sheer volume of vegan products! They have recently released lots (I think I read 32 somewhere!)  of new vegan foods, including chilled and frozen. I popped into my local to find out for myself.

I can't find a definitive list of the new items anywhere, so I apologise if anything I mention isn't brand new. These are all things I haven't seen before!

Wicked bakery items, including cookies, doughnuts and cinnamon rolls!

The majority of the new products seemed to be from their Wicked range. These included:

  • Meat-style sandwich slices (In chicken, ham and beef flavours)
  • Ready meals (Including a ramen bowl, a tagine bowl, and Bourguignon)
  • Pastry bakes (Including a 'cheese' and onion one and a cherry one!)
  • Desserts  (such as crumble)
  • Meat-style chilled items (Including tenders and katsu kievs)
  • Frozen items (such as 3 different types of ice cream!)
  • Bakery items (such as cookies, doughnuts and cinnamon rolls! These aren't brand new but they were discontinued after Veganuary but now they're back!)

More wicked items! New ones are on the top row: 'ham', 'chicken' and 'beef' slices. (note: the Quorn product on the bottom right is NOT vegan)

I also found a couple of other new items outside of the Wicked range, such as:
  • Squeaky Bean vegan scotch eggs
  • Quorn pepperoni (not new overall but I've never seen it in Tesco before!)
  • Plant chef 'chicken' and tomato pasta 

Tesco also do an entirely vegan 'Plant Chef' range

I thought I'd do a shop and try some items to see how they compare to other vegan offerings on the market at the moment. I aimed for a soya free haul, but slipped up with the Wicked mac and cheese - it's full of soya protein for some reason! That aside, these are my thoughts on what I found:

Squeaky Bean vegan scotch eggs
I was really excited for these, but they were a bit of a let down if I'm honest. I've never had a real scotch egg, but the 'meat' in this one was really nice and didn't look unlike an original one. However, the centre was a bit unpleasant. They used Crackd vegan egg (sold in M&S as its own thing) but it felt like they just put it in there raw with no cooking or flavouring - it was completely smooth. Maybe my standards have been set too high since trying FoodByLizzi's vegan Scotch Eggless which are PERFECT, but sadly she doesn't make them anymore😭 On the other hand, I'm glad these don't use soya so they're suitable for anyone with a soya intolerance (and possibly allergy)

Quorn Pepperoni
I've had this before from Sainsbury's but I really rate this! It obviously goes amazingly on pizza but I've also used it in a gnocchi dish and it worked great in that too. It's both soya and gluten free. Let's just hope Quorn don't suddenly discontinue it like they have a lot of their other products.

Wicked meat free chicken style slices
These are made out of wheat and pea protein so they're a little 'meatier' than the Quorn ones! I quite liked these. They were similar to the soy based ones you could find in Holland and Barrett back in the days where they sold chilled and frozen food. They were £2.50 for a pack of 8, so a little dearer than the Quorn ones which usually go for around £2, and also not gluten free. They were nice though, and not too expensive compared to some other brands such as tofurkey.
Tesco Plant chef have also released 'ham' and 'chicken' style slices which I think might be cheaper, but I didn't see these while I was in there.

I also bought Plant Chef vegan mince (I rate this, it's soya free and affordable! I managed to find some reduced so snapped it up and popped it in the freezer), Wicked BBQ shrooms (I'm not sure if these are new but I'd not seen them before, again reduced), Gosh vegan cocktail sausages (these are veg and bean based and I love them!), a Wall's vegan sausage roll (these are made with a mushroom mince and they're great. Also got this reduced), and some Wicked cookie dough ice cream (soya free and AMAZING). 

So, what are you waiting for? Time to go to Tesco and find some super vegan goodies!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


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