NEW Vegan Sausage, Bean and Cheese Melt from Greggs!


After much anticipation it's finally here!

Gregg's released their newest vegan offering today: the vegan sausage, bean and 'cheeze' melt. Bearing the same lattice pastry pattern as its other vegan pastry siblings, this pastry is packed with vegan sausage 'meat', baked beans and two types of vegan cheese.

After seeing how many people were enjoying it on social media I just had to pop to my local to try one!

My local Greggs had multiple signs advertising it outside

When I got there they'd actually sold out and were cooking some fresh ones, so I had a half hour wait before I could buy one. I'm seeing that as a good thing as they were clearly selling well! There were also a couple of other people waiting around to get to try the new product. 

This was also great as it meant once I got one it was freshly baked and super hot and it kept its warmth on the 15 minute walk back home too.

Does the Greggs vegan sausage, bean and cheese melt contain Quorn?

No, it doesn't. Unlike the other vegan products Greggs sells, this pastry uses soya as its meat alternative. This is good news for the people with a Quorn introlerance that couldn't otherwise try the Greggs' vegan options, but bad news for those who can't have soya. 

Lots of cheezy, beany filling!

Depsite my soya intolerance I tried this (it's worth it, ok!) and was amazed by how good it was! There was so much filling (though I couldn't get a decent photo of it for some reason) and the vegan cheese melted perfectly into the beans and made it super creamy. The vegan sausage pieces were really good too, though their flavour was quite subtle and masked by the beans.

Maybe I'm biased here as I try and avoid soya where possible, but I honestly think it would be just as good without the vegan sausage. That way people who can't have soya and people who don't like meat substitutes could enjoy it too!

I have never tried the meat version to compare it to but I imagine they're quite similar. The vegan cheese wasn't overpowering or obviously vegan to me, but your tastebuds can change over time so maybe a non vegan would disagree. Overall, I think it's amazing and a really innovative idea, I'm just sad they got rid of a much loved and soya free vegan steak bake in order to release it. There's so many meat options, if Greggs had to get rid of one why not one of them instead?

Have you tried it? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments!


  1. I generally have a hate/hate relationship with vegan cheese but I must say that these bakes are a total winner. I wonder if you know which brands of vegan cheese they use??

    1. Hi! I can't find it officially listed anywhere but cross-referencing the ingredients for the bake ( ) and for violife (,GMO%20(Genetically%20Modified)%20ingredients. ) I believe it's violife they use! Looks like they use a mix of their "original" one and the "mozzerella" one :)


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