Easy Spooky Vegan Chocolate Bark


With Halloween coming up I wanted to try and make some sort of spooky sweet treats and I was inspired to do this after seeing an instagram reel of someone making (non-vegan) Christmas chocolate bark!

Google describes chocolate bark as being "a sheet of chocolate that is usually covered with nuts, dried fruits, candies or even additional pieces of chocolate". The one I made here is pretty simple yet effect with extra chocolate and halloween edible decorations, but you can always add fruit and nuts if you wanted to.

Just be careful about which decorations you use - I found these edible paper cobwebs in the Halloween isle in Waitrose, but the other ones there either had egg or shellac as ingredients, making them non vegan. 

Also keep an eye out for the food colouring - I used this orange one from Waitrose, but some red and orange dyes contain E120 made from bugs.


  • 2 large bars of vegan 'milk' chocolate (~160g)
  • ~ 40g of vegan white chocolate
  • 1/2 tsp green food colouring
  • 1/2 tsp orange food colouring
  • Spooky edible decorations


  1. Heat the oven to just under 100°C
  2. On a baking tray, lay out a rectangle of non stick baking paper. Place both large bars on the tray with a small gap between them.
  3. Heat in the oven, taking it out every 2-3 minutes to see if it has melted enough to spread out into a sheet of thin chocolate.
  4. Once melted enough, use a spatula to spread out the melted chocolate into a rectangular sheet.
  5. In the microwave, melt the white chocolate by putting it in for 10-20 seconds at a time and stirring. Don't overheat or it will begin to cook and turn solid!
  6. Split the white chocolate into two bowls and add one of the food colourings to each.
  7. Drizzle the coloured chocolate over the milk chocolate to make a cool pattern!
  8. Add your decorations while the chocolate is still melted so they stick properly.
  9. Place the tray in the fridge for around an hour so it becomes a solid rectangle.
  10. Break up into pieces and enjoy!


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