Pringles have always been ahead of the game in terms of vegan labelling, with incredibly clear vegetarian and vegan labels on all of their suitable products.

However, it now seems they've given up entirely.

Soon, Pringles are going to be adding milk powder to all of their flavours except ready salted.

When asked, the company said that the reason behind the change is to allow Pringles impove capacity, save costs and reduce food waste. [Plant Based News] This is supposedly to help with costs accociated with not cross contaminating flavours with and without milk, though honestly I'm not sure how adding the allergen in question to nearly all of the flavours helps!

If you're looking for alternatives, the Aldi ready salted and BBQ flavours are vegan (not the salt and vinegar or sour cream!) 

Make sure whichever ones you're buying have this vegan label on!

At the moment, there's still some old stock knocking about, so stock up while you can! You could always try emailing them to complain too - the more voices the better!


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