Krispy Kreme Vegan Doughnuts Review


Happy Veganuary! 

January is the month where more new vegan products than ever make their way into the shops, and this month is no exception. This year, we're starting off with an exciting new release: vegan Krispy Kreme doughnuts!

Krispy Kreme already did a rather elusive glazed vegan ring doughnut that never seemed to be in the shops, but now they've gone for 3 more bold flavours: Apple Crumble, Fudge Brownie, and Caramel Choc.

We were lucky to snag some on the day they were released (31st December 2020) but there sadly weren't any apple crumble ones left.

Caramel Choc: This had the perfect mix of salty caramel and sweet chocolate! The inside filling worked well. It was a tiny bit dry though but we did buy them late in the day.

Fudge Choc: These had a great chocolatey centre and tiny pieces of vegan brownie on top. I'm not a massive fan of overly chocolatey things but this felt like the right balance.

The verdict? I'm really happy these are around, especially as I feel like they'll appeal to non-vegans too! They're a great treat and it's always good to have another vegan option out and about.


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